Posts Tagged ‘EU’


On 24 June 2024, the European Union published its 14th sanctions package in response to Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The newly adopted Regulation 2024/1745, Regulation 2024/1746, Council Decision 2024/1738 and Council Decision 2024/1744 amend Regulation 833/2014 and Regulation 269/2014. Sanctions package 14 consists of restrictive measures targeting 116 additional legal entities and individuals. These ...


Following is part 10 of our series on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. Before continuing, be sure to catch up on our previous posts regarding sanctions against the Russian Federation: Post 1:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – AN OVERVIEW Post 2:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – MARCH 2022 Post 3: EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ...


Following is part 6 of our series on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. Before continuing, be sure to catch up on our previous posts regarding sanctions against the Russian Federation: Post 1:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – AN OVERVIEW Post 2:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – MARCH 2022 Post 3: EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – ...


Following is part 5 of our series on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. Before continuing, be sure to catch up on our previous posts regarding sanctions against the Russian Federation: Post 1:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – AN OVERVIEW Post 2:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – MARCH 2022 Post 3: EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – ...


Following is part 3 of our series on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. Before continuing, be sure to catch up on our previous posts regarding sanctions against the Russian Federation: Post 1:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – AN OVERVIEW Post 2:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – MARCH 2022  Post 3: An Overview of the April and June ...


Following is part 2 of a series of posts we will be publishing over the coming days and weeks on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. Before continuing, be sure to catch up on our previous post regarding sanctions against the Russian Federation: See also Post 1:  EU SANCTIONS AGAINST THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – AN OVERVIEW Post 2: An Overview of ...


Following is part 1 of a series of posts we will be publishing over the coming days and weeks on current European Union sanctions against the Russian Federation. An Overview Since March 2014 following Russia’s occupation of Crimea and parts or Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (administrative districts) of Ukraine, the European Union has imposed a number of restrictive measures against the Russian ...


Date: March 27, 2019 9:00– 11:00 a.m. Grand Hotel Vienna / Ball Room Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna One Belt One Road Ambassador Breakfast Programme and Invitation Event Registration Programme Ambassadors Breakfast 9:00 a.m.: Start 9:30 a.m.: Introductory words by Prof. Mag. Gertrud TAUCHHAMMER                     and Prof. Dr. Georg ZANGER, MBL. HSG 9:32 a.m.: Keynote Speeches by the members of the panel 9:45 a.m: discussion with the panel speakers ...


Taking Cooperation to the Digital Age, a high-level forum on Africa and Europe, was held in Vienna on 17-18 December 2018, and initiated by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. The forum took place as Austria’s third term as President of the Council of the European Union comes to an end. High level officials from the European Union ...


Shortly before end of 2014, Serbian National Assembly adopted new Energy Law (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no.145/2014, “Energy Law”), the main feature of which was, as we noted in the December edition of Client Alert, the harmonisation of Serbian energy legislation with the Third Energy Package of the EU. The subject matter of this Legal Insight shall, ...